Catalog and share your diecast models

Upload posts, catalog your cars with fields specific to die-cast model cars. Add manufacturer, year, series number, scale, colour, make, model, value and more. You can also indicate a sale price if you want to sell it.

Manage and track your entire collection

Keep track of all your models easily within the app. View the number of cars and the total value, sort your collection and quickly search for a specific model.

Follow other collectors and compare yourself against the top accounts

Join the diecast community, view the collections of other collectors, connect with your friends, compete against the top accounts and see the most popular models uploaded.

Search models using diecast specific filters

Looking for a specific model? Use the search feature to find a car by entering diecast specific details like make, model year, colour, scale etc. No need to scroll endlessly through irrelevant content. Cars for sale can also be searched for. Browse and search worldwide for any collector's car.

Browse diecast models by manufacturer

Looking for specific diecast or curious as to which manufacturer is the most popular? Browse our uploaded posts by manufacturer and search for specific models easily.

Create wishlists, favourites and group your diecast models into albums

Create customised groups of relevant diecast items that do not affect your collection statistics on the app. Use the albums feature to create wishlists, favourites, showcase your display shelves at home and store diecast memorabilia.

Connect with other collectors through direct messages and threads

Start a conversation with a fellow collector in the app. Use threads to discuss a diecast topic or to showcase a new find that anyone can comment on. You get live notifications on messages, follows, comments and post likes.

Track your total collection value

Don't know how much your collection is worth? Tired of using excel sheets? Track your collection's total value and number of cars through interactive graphs. Add date and manufacturer filters to see how many 'Hot Wheels' you've collected in the last year.

Where do I start?

Download the app, it is completely free up to 25 models. Thereafter we ask a small subscription fee to cover hosting services, maintenance and further development costs.

  • Download the app

    Get the app on the Google Play Store.

  • Create diecast posts

    Create a post, add images, enter diecast details and once you are happy, post and share it.

Get the app

Available on the Google Pay Store. An Apple iOS and website version will be coming soon!